quantitative trait locus

美 [ˈkwɑːntəteɪtɪv treɪt ˈloʊkəs]英 [ˈkwɒntɪtətɪv treɪt ˈləʊkəs]
  • 网络数量性状位点;数量性状基因座;数量性状基因座位;数量抗性遗传位点;数量性状定位
quantitative trait locusquantitative trait locus
  1. The worldwide progress on construction of molecular marker linkage map , comparative mapping , quantitative trait locus ( QTL ) mapping and marker-aided selection ( MAS ) in Pinus spp.


  2. Methods New Zealand Black ( NZB )× New Zealand White ( NZW ) F1 × NZW backcross mice model was set up and polymorphic microsatellite markers and quantitative trait locus ( QTL ) analysis was used .


  3. Research Advances of Quantitative Trait Locus and Major Gene


  4. Making the Transition from Quantitative Trait Locus Mapping to Marker-Assisted Selection


  5. Review : Advance of Quantitative Trait Locus Mapping in Beef Cattle


  6. Segregation Analysis of Body Mass Index in Chinese and Hardy-Weinberg Disequilibrium Mapping for Quantitative Trait Locus


  7. Result suggested that GH gene may be a candidate gene for quantitative trait locus in pigs .


  8. With the development of molecular marker technology , quantitative trait locus could be mapped to analyze in whole genome .


  9. Studies on the methods of quantitative trait locus ( QTL ) analysis are of great significance due to the important economic value of quantitative traits .


  10. Here we report the genetic and molecular characterization of GS3 , a major quantitative trait locus for grain size .


  11. The quantitative trait locus on chromosome 10 which was derived from Shen 135 ( resistant parent ) was common in the two years .


  12. We showed that the quantitative trait locus ( QTL ) GS5 in rice controls grain size by regulating grain width , filling and weight .


  13. According to different chromosomes , a region of DNA , e.g. , quantitative trait locus ( QTL ) can be found that is related to a particular phenotypic trait .


  14. Quantitative trait locus ( QTL ) is the place where the dominant quantitative trait 's gene in the genome , and quantitative trait is controlled by polygene .


  15. The progress in the development of molecular markers and construction of genetic linkage maps make it possible to carry out comparative genomics and comparative QTL ( Quantitative Trait Locus ) among species .


  16. Hardy-Weinberg disequilibrium ( HWD ) measures that do not depend on marker allele frequencies have been proposed using dense markers to fine map a quantitative trait locus ( QTL ) .


  17. Single segment introgression lines ( SSILs ) was a permanent mapping population , which was developed using advance-backcross and marker-assisted selection , which is a novel materials for quantitative trait locus ( QTLs ) genetic analysis .


  18. W. Luo developed a method that can detect and estimate the coefficient of linkage disequilibrium between a marker locus and quantitative trait locus ( QTL ), and raised the theoretical strategies for high resolution mapping of complex genetic disorders in humans .
